11 years of films has led to this, the 22nd in a series of entertainments about various superpowered beings. And this is, at least mostly, an end. For at least some stuff. There’s a lot of expectations and anticipations and guesswork, and this deliberately throws a couple of interesting monkey wrenches in early – getting to a couple of things earlier than you might expect, while holding others off for quite a while. There’s victories and losses, there are turns, there is a LOT of fanservicey moments, there is humour, there is (still slightly clunky) action. And there is a whole lotta payoff. Yes, this one sticks the landing.
I don’t think it’s a perfect movie – in a three hour movie capping 21 other ones, inevitably some characters are going to come across as being treated somewhat lightly, and I do think some of the big action climax is a bit ropey. But never the less this is a satisfying, entertaining, emotionally fulfilling, grand resolution of the Marvel Story So Far. And nope, not spoilering a bit of it.