This Palestinian film tells of a man from East Jerusalem and a woman from West Jerusalem- both married, him with a child on the way, her already raising a young daughter. He’s a truck driver delivering baked goods to the café she owns. And they’re having an affair. When a trip to Bethlehem sees a malicious security report filed against them, events start to spiral out of control, dragging in security services on both sides, and both their partners in a widening story of unintended consequences.
This is a simply told but effective film – largely about the politicisation of what should by rights be a private matter, as private secrets are misinterpreted as having state importance. There’s a reality to the actions here – nothing is ever melodramatic or strained – and events build as they spiral out of control. And this doesn’t feel particularly like it’s taking sides between the Palestinians and the Israelis either – more a plea for some level of reason in a part of the world that is so caught up in politics it forgets to be human.