Sunday 11 March 2018

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable: Chapter One

The extremely Japanese story of a guy who uses his superpower of having an invisible fighting-creature to beat the snot out of anybody who makes fun of his hair, (and how he moves onto fighting other people instead) this is an entertaining live-action manga adaptation, with all the fun design (his hair is indeed very spectacular), strange action and plot developments (the opening narration includes the line "our town has been voted most-liveable twice. We probably won't win this year due to all the recent serial-killings") and the occasional chunk of high-school melodrama. While, yes, this is a chapter one (and it's an adaptation of the fourth book of the ongoing "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" saga, an epic that involves multiple generations of the same family, all of whom have the prefix "Jo" in their names), it's mostly pretty self contained, while leaving definite openings for future films.

Set in a fake Japan that's partially filmed on location at Stiges, adding to the oddball disorientation factor, this has high-school melodrama, fierce battles, surprising revelations and a reasonable level of intrigue. The last ten minutes or so perhaps do bog down a little bit with the melodrama, and this is entirely surface-level pleasure, there's nothing particularly deep or thinky here. But it is a whole lot of fun.

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