Saturday 19 May 2018

Deadpool 2

A post-modern, fourth wall breaking sarcastic mercenary with superpowers, "Deadpool" has a certain appeal to everyone's inner cynical 12 year old. Combine that with a fair bit of violence and sex jokes and it turned into a pretty successful film a few years ago. But can the amusing diversion of yesteryear survive with a bigger budget and a bigger cast?

Well... mostly. There are stumbles - there are definitely characters who are just back because it's a sequel and they were in the last one, even if they don't really have much new to do with them, and there's some distinct inconsistency in the plot tones - the romp often bashes up awkwardly against some of the darker deeper elements that are in the story. And it doesn't always have the clearest idea what to do with female characters (although Zazie Beets as Domino has a smooth cool charm that almost runs away with the entire film). This is mostly just-about-good-enough  -the jokes are a mix of good and bad, the action has a few good (if gory) fights in it, and it never gets particularly bogged down for very long - it's a film that is mostly just keen to please the fanboy nerds and it does that pretty well. I can spot the holes and the slight laziness in the execution, but mostly I understand how people are going to be able to slide over it.

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