Friday 20 July 2018


I want to like Dwayne Johnson, really I do. But he does pick pretty average movies most of the time. Part of the problem may be that, as a ridiculously muscular unit, there's not a lot that can really physically threaten him, and by the time you get to something superscale like the giant creatures of "Rampage" or the huge building in this one - which then gets to the point where he can sometimes become weirdly superflous. In this case there's also a slight issue where the plotline requires him to risk everything to rescue his wife and kids - except she seems to be doing perfectly fine most of the time without him.

Look, this is perfectly adequate without ever posing any threat of being any better than "Die HArd", the king of "stuck in a tall building" action. There's a few vertiginous sequences, some suitably unlikely architectural features and a baddie who wears her hair over one eye so, presumably, she has no depth perception. And the actual motive for the bad guys when it arrives almost makes some kinda sense. But it's never particualrly surprising or clever (okay, it is nice to see Neve Campbell back in a role that's somewhat better than the standard "I gotta be rescued all the time" wife), and it's screamingly unambitious. So... blah.

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