Monday 31 December 2018

Ralph Breaks the Internet

The original "Wreck It Ralph" was a perfectly pleasant Disney flick playing on video-game tropes for a tale of transcending your position in life through friendship and a little bit of heroism. The sequel is only necessary in that it allows us to get back together with a pair of characters we really like - Ralph, the dopily warm-hearted big lug, and Vanelope, the girl racer who befriended Ralph and got him to be a better person. The plot, such as it is, is sorta a collection of three or four storylines that happen in succession, seeing the pair explore various aspects of online culture, with a little bit of inner growth along the way.

If there's a through-line, it's the relationship between Ralph and Vanelope, which is allowed to develop in ways that do change their status quo permanently in interesting ways. The much-trailered integration of other Disney properties, including princesses, Star Wars and Marvel characters, isn't allowed to monopolise the film, instead just being one of the elements of online culture that the film travels through. So all in all this is a worthy sequel knowing what's worth further exploration in the characters and what can be safely left as casual-references-to-the-last-film, and is definitely worth a watch.

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