Tis the season of everything-old-is-new-again, with this return to the world-war-two thriller genre. Brad Pitt and Marion Cottilard play two anti-german agents in Casablanca, both preparing to kill the local ambassador. Their cover requires them to pose as husband and wife, and faking intimacy leads to a real relationship (including the return of Brad Pitt's bum, the body part that give him his big break back in "Thelma and Louise"). After their mission succeds, he brings her to London, marries her and starts a family - but then the higher ups advise she may actually be a German double-agent. What will he do to find out truth, and what might he have to do once he finds it?
Pitt is much less interesting as a leading man than he is in character roles, and while handsome, that doesn't always translate to romantic chemistry. While the film is a tad more explicit than the old school stuff (Pitt and Cotillard have a big lust-in-the-desert scene and another grapple in the english countyside, plus he drops a few F words, he has a lesbian sister, and there's one party during the blitz that turns into a free-for-all-bachannal), it's still very retro in its general manner. The setup phase during the mission in Casablanca is a bit touch-and-go, too - the film only really starts firing on all cylinders late in that mission, and that rolls into the English sequences.
Ultimately, this is probably pretty disposable stuff - if you miss it, you haven't missed much, but if you see it, you probably won't be too irritated by it.
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