Friday 17 February 2017

Toni Erdmann

Sometimes you can't quite get with the wavelength of a film. Such is the case with me and "Toni Erdmann", a much-praised film about a retired father who enjoys pranks and who decides to show up in his adult daughter's life in a bodgy wig and a set of ridiculous dentures largely to annoy her. For some reason the prankishness never actually amused me, instead feeling kinda tedious and annoying, and so while most of the rest of the audience giggled along nicely, I didn't.

There are a couple of compensations. The story worked for me more when it was focussed on his mortified daughter who is fully aware what her dad is up to but is unable to stop him, and particularly in the last twenty minutes or so (when the dad largely disappears and the daughter is left to make her own choices). And clearly there is an audience for this (my session was packed with happy gigglers). But for me, this doesn't quite hit the spot.

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