Friday, 24 March 2017

The Eagle Huntress

This is a fairly standard nature documentary, although it tries a few twists. The oddest thing about it may be its rating - it's rated G, but it does feature, as the title suggests, extended hunting sequences where an eagle hunts and kills a fox. No, it's not massively gory, but still - is this really general audiences stuff?

This is the story of a 13 year old girl in Mongolia who trains an eagle as a hunting tool. This is a longstanding tradition in her society, although the film tries to make a big point that there are no other women who do this - a point that a bit of online research reveals is rather bogus (and, indeed, for all that there is footage of old Mongolian men saying that she isn't a true hunter until she's accomplished certain things, there's bugger all resistance really shown to her doing it). 

The footage is certainly very nice looking and Aisophan herself is a charmingly friendly girl, but this really doesn't have the depth to be a 102 minute movie. I appreciate the female empowerment message, but really, winning over in the face of no substantial resistance isn't much of a movie.

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