Wednesday, 12 April 2017


A mixed crew of scientists and engineers are on the international space station, about to research what comes back from the latest Mars probe. But when a lifeform turns out to have survived in one of the martian soil samples, inspection of it quickly turns to terror as the creature gets wildly out of control and starts to threaten not just the station, but possibly all life as we know it...

This is very much a revisit of "Alien" with a few switches (contemporary timeline, more zero-g, alien is less "guy in a suit" and more "CGI blob"). The main problem is that very few of the characters are at all involving - only Ryan Reynolds, doing pretty much his standard quippy Ryan Reynolds stuff, gets to be particularly interesting. And while the very nature of this sorta plot is that the cast gets smaller and smaller as the creature works its way around the ship, it is worthwhile to know and like the people before they start becoming corpses. While the deaths in this are notably more gory than most I've seen later, it still isn't quite enough to make this a reasonable film. THere is a nice twist towards the end, but otherwise, this is generic fare done generically.

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