This is very much what it says on the tin - it works better than some of the previous monsterverse films in that it's not indulgent about the human stuff (even Skull Island, which had the best human stuff by virtue of having three great supporting actors with Jackson, Reilly and Goodman, still managed to give Brie Larson and Tom Hiddleston almost nothing to do) and it knows what you've come for. There's still ridiculous pseudoscience, and things that make no sense (why are people still running around the streets of Hong Kong in the finale rather than getting to shelter, and why is the neon still on except because it looks really cool when Kong and Godzilla are lit by it?) It also doesn't overextend its welcome too much, wrapping up pretty quickly after the last big fight. It feels big and exciting and fun in a way that a lot of wannabe epics never quite succeed in doing.
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