Tuesday 24 December 2019

The Good Liar

This is kinda enjoyable in the way that watching good actors in a film that doesn't quite hold together can be - both Mirren and McKellen have done far better work, but they're enjoyable to watch together in a mild kind of cat and mouse thriller. It's slightly oddly placed for audiences - the lead pair lead to an audience of the older-biddies, but McKellen drops by a strip club early in the film for a couple of gratuitous bare boobies, and there's also a reasonable amount of high-level swearing for no particular reason other than, presumably, to push the rating up to an MA. Some of the twists border on the slightly unbelievable, and in some ways casting Mirren means that you're never quite going to buy her as a patsy - you're pre-clued in that she has to have something more going on. Still, it's one of those "it just about does the job of being vaguely worth the time but unmemorable afterwards" films.

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